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BISS AM GCH & NBISS CAN GCH Firepoint Riverview Before The Parade Passes By JH
(Am GCH & MBISS Can CH & Int'l CH Szizlin Todd's Ticker Tape Parade JH x CH Copper Creek Firepoint's Darby JH)
CHIC 86949: OFA VZ-12764F28F-VPI CERF VZ-373018 VZ-TH733/32F-VPI
Owner: Richard Bennington & Henry Grant, Riverview Vizslas
Breeder: Leah Resler
Date of Birth: March 29, 2010



Dolly's Dad AM/CAN BISS CH Szizlin Todd Ticker Tape Parade JH and Dolly's Mom CH.Copper Creek Firepoint Darby JH
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